Repo Stats from the command line
Did you know?! You can see github-style commit stats from the command line.
$ git shortlog -sn | head -5
This will summarize the output of git log, sorted by number of commits per author, with only the author’s name and total commits.
~/jekyll-source git:(master) git shortlog -ns | head -10
1654 Parker Moore
409 Tom Preston-Werner
395 Matt Rogers
145 maul.esel
96 Anatol Broder
85 Nick Quaranto
56 Coby Chapple
51 zachgersh
47 Kris Brown
39 Ben Balter
It’s interesting that these numbers do not correspond to the contributors tab on github -
Maybe shortlog
includes merge commits?
I mostly run this command to boost my ego when I know I’ve been hard at work committing to a repository, and now you can too!
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