I’ve heard about hub a few times before now but have not yet tried it out.

It’s a command line wrapper around git to facilitate working with github. I came across hub again recently when I was looking for an easier way to clone my repos. i.e. I don’t wan’t to have to type git@github.com:jshawl everytime I clone a new repo.

It would be nice to clone repos like:

  • $ git clone vanilla => git clone git@github.com:jshawl/vanilla
  • $ git clone jekyll/jekyll => git clone git@github.com:jekyll/jekyll

and of course work with regular urls as well:

  • $ git clone git@bitbucket.org:jshawl/vanilla.git

Fortunately, hub does all this, and more!

The first step is to install hub with brew install hub. Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS X.

After the install, I tried cloning my first repo with the hub command:

$ hub clone vanilla

Immediately, I was prompted to enter my username and password, which means hub is translating the remote url to use the https protocol instead of the password-less ssh protocol.

According to the clone feature spec:

When I successfully run `hub clone dotfiles`
Then it should clone "git@github.com:mislav/dotfiles.git"
And there should be no output

I also found this issue which says authentication with the GitHub API via ssh key is not possible :(

I think for now, I’m going to stick with typing out the url and not using hub because I don’t want to have to deal with passwords.

This might be convenient, though if you have multiple github accounts and need to specify on a repo-by-repo basis which user has access.

Lastly, this is inspiring me to write my own wrapper for git! I don’t need the full-blown github functionality, just a url translator.

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